Important News

I’m writing in response to your questions and feedback over the past couple of days. Please take note of the following important information:

• Registration for Week 2: If you registered for Week 1, your link will not work for Week 2. You will need to register again and obtain a new link each week. Please do so on the program website.

Recordings from Week 1: If you missed the teaching and you’d like to watch or download a recording, these are available on the videos page. A transcript is also available.

• Time of teachings: Some of you unfortunately missed the teaching due to confusion about timing. If you are unsure about the time of the teachings in your region, please refer to the FAQ.

• Forum (Discussion groups): The Forum (the location for discussion groups) is now active, with discussion underway. If you’re interested in joining in, please visit the Forum.

• Glossary: Many of you asked for help with names and technical terms, and some of you also asked for Sanskrit and Tibetan translations of these terms. We have just started a Glossary for this purpose – it’s currently quite small, but we hope to include all the main names and terms in due course.

• Feedback: Thank you to the more than 200 people who have already submitted feedback about the teaching/website. It is much appreciated and very valuable, and we have already made changes to the website and the content of future weeks’ teachings based on your feedback. For those of you who haven’t submitted feedback yet, please do (I sent a Google Forms link a couple of days ago to everyone who registered for Week 1).

In summary, going forwards please could you refer to the 8-Week Program overview page for information about the teachings. It will be the most accurate and updated source of information.

We are continuing to update and introduce new content to the program website on a daily basis to better meet your needs and requests, and to make these precious teachings as accessible and relevant as possible. Please look around to see what’s new!

Thanks again for your feedback, and for your enthusiastic engagement and support. I consider it very auspicious that we started the teachings during the week of Saga Dawa Düchen: the Enlightenment and Parinirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha, and I am very inspired by the level of your interest in the Middle Way.

Kind regards,

2 thoughts on “Important News”

  1. Thank you, Alex! This site is amazing, so many suggestions — books, articles… You’re doing a fantastic job, and I’m grateful.

  2. Dear Alex,
    first of all thank you and all the other involved ones for your diligent and foundated work !
    Today I watched the second video …. and came slowly into “no-mans land”, feeling slightly a kind of lost in space. The thinking mind was asking, if I’m really in the right place …. maybe I’ m not able to get this points …. who has read these whole spiritual biographies from 1400 people from 54 countries ?
    But fortunately the state changes soon and it was possible to open and just listen.
    Your advice to aspire to understand this teaching for the sake of all beings was very helpful to get back to the “relative” ground (was going for a walk right after, with soft legs and a feeling like after a small earthquake inside).
    Thanks a lot for all the text for download.
    Stay well and please carry on your precious work..
    May the dharma flourish

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