Amida Buddha, C17 Japan 512px

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – 8-Week Program


[Q]: Will the website still be available after the 8-week program finishes?
[A]: Yes.


[Q]: What time will the teachings take place?
[A]: Wednesday 7-8pm Vancouver, 10-11pm New York, 11pm-midnight São Paulo, which is Thursday 3-4am London, 4-5am Berlin, 7:30am-8:30am Delhi, 10-11am Hong Kong, noon-1pm Sydney. If you’re unsure of the local time of the webinar in your city, please refer to an online ➜time converter. Please note that the teachings may sometimes be up to two hours long. If you are unable to attend the live teachings, audio and video recordings will be available.

[Q]: How do I register? Do I need to register separately for each teaching?
[A]: You need to register separately for each session. The registration link for the next session will updated each week and may be found here.

[Q]: How can I watch/download the recordings of the teachings?
[A]: Audio and video recordings will be posted here after each session. Please note that we will not be sending an email announcement when new recordings are posted online.


[Q]: How can I ask questions about Madhyamaka and Dharma?
[A]: Please ask your question on the Questions page.

[Q]: How can I ask other questions?
[A]: Please ask your question on the Ask A Question page.

[Q]: How can I participate in online discussion groups?
[A]: The Forum has been set up to allow participants to engage in online discussion and debate. Depending on participant interest, we may also arrange for live online discussion in small groups. Participants are strongly encouraged to connect to each other and engage in study and discussion to clarify their understanding.


[Q]: Is there pre-reading?
[A]: Yes. We will be following Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s teachings on Chandrakirti’s Madhyamakavatara, and you may wish to pre-read the relevant parts of the text before each week’s teaching. There are also other optional pre-readings each week.

[Q]: Will there be homework and reflection questions?
[A]: Yes there will be homework [details to follow]. Homework is optional but strongly encouraged.


Page last updated 19 June 2017