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≫ Lalitasana (Sanskrit: ललितासन, IAST: Lalitāsana = ललित, lalita, “sport, play, dalliance” + आसन, IAST: āsana, “physical posture, pose”; Tibetan: རོལ་སྟབས་, röl tap ; Wylie: rol stabs, literally “posture of play, merriment, frolicking” from རོལ་པ་, rölpa; Wylie: rol pa, “display, play, partake of, enjoy, revel”) = “the posture of royal ease” or “the royal position”; a relaxed pose typical in royal portraits and those of religious figures whose regal attributes are being emphasized. The figure sits on a throne with one leg tucked inwards on the seat and the other – usually the proper right leg – hanging down (“pendent”) to touch the ground or rest on a support (often a stylized lotus throne). The pose is very common for images that depict bodhisattvas and deities such as Tara, but rare for images of the Buddha himself, except as the “future Buddha” Maitreya.
• see also: asana (physical posture, pose)
• external links: (asana) wiktionary; (Lalitasana): wikipedia (includes images of Lalitasana as depicted in Buddhist art) / Himalayan Art

≫ Lalitavistara Sutra (Sanskrit: ललितविस्तरसूत्र, IAST: Lalitavistarasūtra = ललित, lalita, “sport, play, dalliance” + विस्तर, vistara, “extensive, long (as a story)”; Tibetan: རྒྱ་ཆེར་རོལ་པ་, gyacher rolpa ; Wylie: rgya cher rol pa; literally “The Extensive Sport” or “The Play in Full”) = “The Play in Full” a sutra that tells the life story of the Buddha from a Mahayana perspective, from the time of his descent from Tushita, through his attainment of enlightenment until his first sermon in the Deer Park near Varanasi. The name Lalitavistara is often translated “The Play in Full” or “Extensive Play,” referring to the Mahayana view that the Buddha’s incarnations are a “display” or “performance” given for the benefit of sentient beings (in the same way that the nirmanakaya is considered to be a creation or manifestation for the benefit of sentient beings).
• see also: bhumisparsha (touching the ground); Buddhasutra (includes partial list of sutras on this website)
• external links: wikipedia / rigpawiki; (translation): 84000

lama (Tibetan: བླ་མ་, lama; Wylie: bla ma) = teacher, master – see guru (Sanskrit ≫ main entry).
• external links: wiktionary

≫ Laozi (Chinese: 老子, pinyin: Lǎozǐ, literally “Old Master”; also rendered as Lao Tzu, Lao-Tze) (6th century BCE) = ancient Chinese philosopher and writer, founder of Taoism. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions. A semi-legendary figure, Laozi is usually portrayed as a 6th-century BCE contemporary of Confucius, but some modern historians consider him to have lived during the Warring States period of the 4th century BCE. The “Book of Qi” (Chinese: 齊書, pinyin: Qí Shū), a history of the Chinese dynasty Southern Qi dynasty (Chinese: 顧歡傳, pinyin: Nán Qí), believes that he was reborn in India as the Buddha.
• see also: Tao Te ChingZhuangzi (Chinese philosopher, 4th century BCE)
• external links: wiktionary / wikipedia / Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

≫ lassi (Punjabi: ਲੱਸੀ, Hindi: लस्सी) = a popular traditional curd / yogurt-based drink that originated in the Indian subcontinent. Lassi is a blend of yoghurt, water, spices and sometimes fruit. Namkeen (salty) lassi is similar to doogh (Persian: دوغ, romanized: dūgh), a cold savory yogurt-based beverage mixed with salt that is widely popular in the Middle East. Sweet and mango lassis are like milkshakes, while bhang lassi is infused with cannabis in the form of bhang.
• see also: bhang (edible preparation of cannabis)
• external links: wiktionary / wikipedia

 (Tibetan: ལས་, lé; Wylie: las) = karma, action, law of cause and effect – see karma (Sanskrit ≫ main entry).
• external links: wiktionary

≫ len (Tibetan: ལེན་, Wylie: len) = accept, receive, absorb, take hold, grasp, study.
• see also: panglen (accepting and rejecting)
• external links: wiktionary

≫ lepo (Dzongkha: བུ་ཚུ་) = boyDJKR: “idiot”. Bhutanese name given to Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche by his grandmother. 

≫ Lhabab Düchen (Tibetan: ལྷ་བབས་དུས་ཆེན་, lha bab dü chen; Wylie: lha babs dus chen) = the Divine Descent (from the Trāyastriṃśa heaven), one of the four Buddhist festivals commemorating events in the life of the Buddha according to Tibetan traditions. Lhabab Düchen occurs on the 22nd day of the ninth lunar month according to Tibetan calendar and widely celebrated in Tibet and Bhutan.
• external links: wikipedia / rigpawiki / Shambhala

 lhak (Tibetan: ལྷག་, lhak; Wylie: lhag) = special, supreme, beyondDJKR: “something extra”, “the real deal”, “the true colour”.
• other languages: vi- (Sanskrit, Pāli)
• see also: lhaktong (vipassana)
• external links: wiktionary

lhaktong (Tibetan: ལྷག་མཐོང་, lhaktong; Wylie: lhag mthong) = vipassana (Pāli ≫ main entry)
• other languages: vipassana (Pāli ≫ main entry)
• see also: lhak (special) 

≫ lhündrup (Tibetan: ལྷུན་གྲུབ་, Wylie: lhun grub) = spontaneous presence; effortlessly naturally established.
• see also:  ngowo rangzhin tukjé (essence, nature and capacity)
• external links: wikipedia / rigpawiki / rywiki

 lila (Sanskrit: लीला, IAST: līlā) = play, sport, amusement, diversion, pastime; within nondual schools of Hindu philosophy, lila is a way of describing how the cosmos and all reality is a manifestation of the “divine play” of the absolute (Brahman).
• external links: wiktionary / wikipedia

≫ lobha (Pāli: लोभ, IAST: lobha) = attachment, greed, avarice; one of the 3 poisons (in the Theravada teachings).
• see also: trivisha (3 poisons): (1) delusion, confusion, bewilderment, ignorance (Pāli/Sanskrit: moha), (2) attachment, greed, avarice, desire, sensuality, passion (Pāli: lobha, Sanskrit: raga), (3) aversion, dislike, enmity, anger, hostility, aggression (Pāli: dosa, Sanskrit: dvesha)
• external links: (lobha): wiktionary; (3 poisons): wikipedia

≫ loka (Sanskrit: लोक; IAST: loka) = the inhabitants of the world, mankind, folk, people.
• external links: wiktionary

≫ lokasamvriti (Sanskrit: लोकसंवृत्ति; IAST: lokasaṃvṛtti) = right conduct (in the world); conventional.
• see also (Glossary): conventional truth
• external links: (relative truth) rigpawiki ; (two truths) wikipedia / rigpawiki

lokta (Tibetan) – see tawa lokpa (Tibetan ≫ main entry)

≫ lona tung (Tibetan: བློ་སྣ་ཐུང་བ, lo na tung wa; Wylie: blo sna thung ba) = focused attention, narrow field of focus, short attention span; impatient, easily irritated. DJKR 2024-05-23 “urgency“.
• appears in: DJKR 2024-05-23 “Sadhana in Vajrayana” (SI#4044)

Longchen Nyingtik (Tibetan: ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་ཐིག ; Wylie: klong chen snying thig) = “The Heart Essence of the Great Expanse”, a terma cycle revealed by the tertön Jigme Lingpa in the late 18th century. According to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, the Longchen Nyingtik “includes the preliminary and main practices, the development and completion stages, and, most important, the practice of Atiyoga or Dzogchen. It thus constitutes a complete path to enlightenment.”
• see also: Jigme Lingpa ; Nyingtik Tsapö (the root texts of the Longchen Nyingtik)
• external links: wikipedia / rigpawiki / rywiki / Lotsawa House

≫ Longchenpa (Tibetan: ཀློང་ཆེན་པ་, Wylie: klong chen pa) (1308-1364) = also known as Longchen Rabjam (Tibetan: ཀློང་ཆེན་རབ་འབྱམས ; klong chen rab ‘byams, “Infinite, Vast Expanse of Space”), or Drimé Özer (Tibetan: དྲི་མེད་འོད་ཟེར ; Wylie: dri med ‘od zer) = 14th century Dzogchen master, one of the most brilliant teachers of the Nyingma lineage. He systematized the Nyingma teachings in his “Seven Treasuries” (Tibetan: མཛོད་བདུན, Dzö Dün ; Wylie: mdzod bdun) and wrote extensively on Dzogchen. He transmitted the Longchen Nyingtik cycle of teachings and practice to Jigme Lingpa, and it has since become one of the most widely practiced traditions within Tibetan Buddhism.
• external links: wikipedia / rigpawiki / rywiki / Treasury of Lives

Lotus Sutra = see Pundarika Sutra

≫ lung (Tibetan: ལུང་, lung ; Wylie: rlung) = scriptural transmission, reading transmission, scriptural authority. 

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