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≫ zafu (Japanese: 座蒲, zafu) = round meditation cushion, best known for its use in zazen Zen meditation.
• external links: wiktionary / wikipedia

Zambuling (Tibetan: འཛམ་བུའི་གླིང་, Dzambuling, Wylie: ‘dzam bu gling) = see Jambudvipa (Sanskrit ≫ main entry).

≫ Zandokpalri (Tibetan: ཟངས་མདོག་དཔལ་རི་, Zandokpalri also Sangdok Palri ; Wylie; zangs mdog dpal ri) = Glorious Copper-coloured Mountain, Guru Rinpoche’s pure land in Chamara. On the peak of the Copper-Coloured Mountain, Padmasambhava liberated the king of the rakshasas, Raksha Thötreng, and assumed his form. Now he dwells in Zangdokpalri as a “vidyadhara of spontaneous presence”.
• see also: Padmasambhava ; zhing kham (Buddhafield, pure land)
• external links: rigpawiki / Himalayan Art

≫ zangpo chöpa (Tibetan: བཟང་པོ་སྤྱོད་པ་, Wylie: bzang po spyod pa) = excellent conduct.

 zap (Tibetan: ཟབ་, the pronunciation is more like the English “zup” than “zap” ; Wylie: zab) = profound, deep.

≫ zazen (Japanese: 坐禅, zazen ; Chinese: 坐禪, pinyin: zuòchán) = seated Zen meditation, usually in a cross-legged position. According to the 20th century Zen master Yasutani roshi in his “Introductory Lectures on Zen Training”, the aims of zazen are three: (1) development of the power of concentration (定力, jōriki ; Tibetan: ཏིང་ངེ་འཛིན་གྱི་སྟོབས, Wylie: ting nge ‘dzin gyi stobs, “the power of samadhi”), (2) satori-awakening, “seeing oneʼs true nature and awakening to the Way” (見性悟道, kenshō godō), and (3) actualisation of the Supreme Way in our daily lives, literally “physical manifestation of the path of no superiority” (無上道の體現, mujōdō no taigen = 無上道, mujōdō “the supreme way” + の, no “of (indicates possessive) + 体現, taigen “personification, embodiment”). Yasutani roshi comments “These three form an inseparable unity, but for purposes of discussion I am obliged to deal with them individually.”
• see also: samadhi (meditative concentration) ; Zen
• external links: (zazen): wikipedia ; (Yasutani roshi): wikipedia

Zen (Japanese: 禅, zen) = meditative concentration, meditation, concentration; also refers to the school of Mahayana Buddhism that started as Chan in China and spread east to Japan becoming Zen – see dhyana (Sanskrit ≫ main entry).
• easily confused (terms related to meditation): bhavana / gom (Tibetan: སྒོམ་, Wylie: sgom) (development, training, cultivation) is different from dhyana / samten / jhana / chan / zen (meditative concentration, mental focus, attention), which is different from abhyasa / gom (Tibetan: གོམས་, Wylie: goms) (familiarisation, becoming accustomed to, conditioning)
• see also: wuzhong chan (five types of Chan/Zen) ; zazen (seated Zen meditation)
• external links: wiktionary / wikipedia

≫ zhak (Tibetan: བཞག་, Wylie: bzhag) = put, place, stay, remain, leave behind, leave alone; DJKR: zhak has the connotation of “leave it”, “leave it alone”, “just leave it as it is”.
• see also: nyamzhak (meditative equipoise) 

zhédang (Tibetan: ཞེ་སྡང་, zhédang; Wylie: zhe sdang) = aversion, dislike, enmity, hatred, hostility, ill-will – see dvesha (Sanskrit ≫ main entry). 

≫ zheljé (Tibetan: ཞལ་འབྱེད་; Wylie: zhal ‘byed) = open, unveil, inaugurate

≫ zhen (Tibetan: གཞན ; Wylie: gzhan ; Jeffrey Hopkins gives several Sanskrit words with partially overlapping semantic ranges, including: पर para = “far, distant, remote (in space), opposite, ulterior, farther than, beyond, on the other or farther side of, extreme”, अन्य anya = “other than, different from, opposed to”, अपर apara = “other, another”, परकीय parakīya = “belonging to another or a stranger, strange, hostile”, अन्यत्व anyatva = Verschiedenheit / dissimilarity) = other (also translated as “alternative” in the Kalachakra context of chi nang zhen sum)
• see also: chi nang zhen sum (outer, inner, other) ; shentong (other-emptiness, alternative transliteration of zhentong)
• external links: wiktionary

≫ zhentong (Tibetan: གཞན་སྟོང་, Wylie: gzhan stong) = “other-emptiness” – see shentong (Tibetan ≫ main entry). 

≫ zhi (Tibetan: གཞི་, Wylie: gzhi ; according to Dudjom Rinpoche the Sanskrit is आश्रय, ashraya; IAST: āśraya “seat, resting place”, but other scholars have स्थान, IAST: sthāna “place, proper or right place”) = ground, primordial state; basic ground, basic nature; ground of being. According to the Dzogchen teachings, the ground has three qualities: essence, nature and capacity/power/compassionate energy (ngowo rangzhin tukjé). Knowledge/realization of this ground is called rigpa.
• see also: ngowo rangzhin tukjé (essence, nature and capacity) ; rigpa (awareness)
• external links: wikipedia / rigpawiki

zhiné (Tibetan: ཞི་གནས་, zhiné; Wylie: zhi gnas) = calm abiding – see shamatha (Sanskrit ≫ main entry). 

≫ zhingjang (Tibetan: ཞིང་བྱང་, Wylie: zhing “region, place, (Buddha) field” + byang “perfected, purified, cleansed, accomplished”) = perfecting the (Buddha) field.

≫ zhing kham (Tibetan: ཞིང་ཁམས, Wylie: zhing khams, sometimes shortened to ཞིང, zhing ; Sanskrit: बुद्धक्षेत्र; buddhakshetra ; IAST: buddhakṣetra ; also Tibetan: དག་པའི་ཞིང་, Wylie: dag pa’i zhing, “pure land” ; Chinese: 淨土; pinyin: jìngtǔ) = buddhafield, pure land, buddha realm. The teachings also refer to the “buddha realms of the 10 directions” (Tibetan: ཕྱོགས་བཅུའི་ཞིང་ཁམས, Wylie: phyogs bcu’i zhing khams). A partial list of buddhafields and pure lands on this website includes:
Changlo Chen (the buddhafield of Vajrapani and/or Vajradhara)
• Khechara (the buddhafield of Vajravarahi)
Ngadré Zhing (the Land of the Sound of Drum, the buddhafield of Mañjushri)
Sukhavati (the western pure land of Amitabha)
Yulo Köpé Zhing (the Land of Turquoise Leaves, the buddhafield of Tara)
Zandokpalri (Glorious Copper-coloured Mountain, Guru Rinpoche’s pure land in Chamara)
• see also: Amitabha (buddha) ; buddha ; Jodo Bukkyo (Pure Land Buddhism)
• DJKR teachings: Aspiration, Taipei 2016 (includes teaching on pure lands and Buddhafields)
• external links: wikipedia / rigpawiki / Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

≫ zhiwa (Tibetan: ཞི་བ་, zhi wa; Wylie: zhi ba ; Sanskrit: शान्ति, shanti; IAST: śānti) = (a) peace, peaceful, pacification; tranquility; (b) calmness of mind; absence of passion. 

≫ Zhuangzi (Chinese: 莊子 / 庄子; pinyin: Zhuāngzǐ, literally “Master Zhuang”; formal name: 莊周 / 庄周; pinyin: Zhuāng Zhōu ; also rendered as Chuang-Tzu, Chuang-Tze) (369-286 BCE) = an influential Chinese Taoist philosopher who lived around the 4th century BCE during the Warring States period. He is regarded as a transmitter and major innovator of the Taoist teachings of Laozi (老子), and also credited as the author of at least part of the work bearing his own name, the Zhuangzi, which is considered as one of the foundational texts of Taoism.
• see also: Laozi (Chinese philosopher, 6th century BCE)
• external links: wikipedia

≫ ziji nönpa (Tibetan: ཟིལ་གྱིས་གནོན་པ, zi gyi nönpa or zil gyi nön pa ; Wylie: zil gyis gnon pa) = outshining, overpowering

≫ zok (Tibetan: ཟོག་, zok ; Wylie: zog) = deception, fraud, deceit, falsehood; wares, things to be sold, merchandise.

≫ zokdzün (Tibetan: ཟོག་རྫུན་, zok dzün ; Wylie: zog rdzun) = say what is not is.

zuk (Tibetan: གཟུགས, Wylie: gzugs) = (visual) form, material form

≫ zungjuk (Tibetan: ཟུང་འཇུག་, zun juk; Wylie: zung ‘jug = “couple, pair; marry; hold, seize” + “go into, enter, participate; engage in; put, insert; allow, permit; make” ; Sanskrit: युगनद्ध, IAST: yuganaddha = युग yuga “yoke” + नद्ध naddha “bound, tied, joined”) = union, indivisibility, primordial unity that resolves dualities; interpenetration, coalescence; used to describe the nonduality/primordial union of wisdom and compassion, ultimate truth and relative truth, etc.
• see also: yab-yum (literally “father-mother”, union of father and mother consorts) 
• external links: 84000 glossary

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